Beach Painting In Holland

Paint together with Roos Schuring.
Learn from my experience & teaching
and enjoy the beautiful coastline!


'MasterClasses 3-Days Seascaping'

My classes on the beach used to be very big, with dozens of artists from far away, in Spring & Autumn, year after year. 

This has shifted to a big online teaching platform and smaller groups of artists who can join me 'in-person' at the beach. 

But, no matter how great online teaching can be: you'll learn fastest IN PERSON and in direct teaching ON THE BEACH!

OPEN - 3-Days Masterclass Seascaping:
APRIL 16 17 18 - 2025
AUG 13 14 15 - 2025 (SUMMER CLASS)

More info is placed down below. Rent a B&B and make it a little holiday. Find Katwijk on Google Maps here to view the location.


MasterClass by Roos Schuring

“We'll have Lots of Paintings done, you could be able to fill an entire Exhibit with those!”

Fearless - All Weather - Painting!

In this 3-Day Masterclass You'll Receive the Complete System and Method that took me a Decade to Perfect. It's Plein-air Painting under unpredictable circumstances. In storm & rain, viewing rainbows, and big skies, with this system we can continue painting in 99% of the weather we'll get.

This course is excellent for the professional wanting to gain more fearlessness, or directness, painting the "4 seasons in 1 day" experience you can have in Holland in Spring or Autumn and for the people who need that SPARK again.

In the recent years of teaching by the ocean, I found these to be the most important topics which we'll discuss, experiment with, and which I'll also show you in the daily 20 min. demonstrations:

This Class Teaches

  • How to Paint Water, Waves and Movement
  • How to Capture Light, Get Light Effects in
  • Learn to Speed up Processes: Improve Capturing the Moment
  • How to Paint Reflections, Puddles, Sand
  • How to Unify Sky and Land
  • How to Paint Clouds
  • How to Paint Atmosphere and Depth
  • How to Paint Figures, Birds, Horses, People 
  • How to Get Overall Harmony
  • Details, Strokes, Thick Paint Usage
  • How to Paint Bigger Sizes and More

You'll Get

12 Hours of Painting Training with Roos Schuring
3x  -20 Minute Demos (every morning)
Personal Report on Day 3: 'What Have We Learnt'
The Start Guide Magazine: all Equipment Guide, Color list, Inspiration & Guidance and More

Capturing The Moment

Painting Seascapes - Capturing the Beauty

The most direct way to portray an Ocean, Beach and Sky, is standing there, viewing it all eye to eye and putting it in Paint. 

Painting & Problem Solving

In outdoor painting one needs to make bolder decisions and make them quicker. The moment moves fast, and capturing the glimpses of 'awesomeness' is in reach when you adjust How you paint. I teach my students to become More Quick, More Bold and More Confident in Painting the Moment.

The Core of What I Teach

Simplify Reality

Learn How to Improve Your Paintings by Simplifying the Complex. Learn How to Look at Nature to Capture the Very Essence.


Learn How to Harmonize All Different Elements in Your Painting. Tips and Tricks to Unify Elements and to Better Your Compos.

Be More Loose

Fearless Painting is More Enjoyable. Learn How to Let Go, how to use your Energy and Control the Bigger Picture.

Pleinair Painting is Top-Class Sport

Many Artists have joined me over the years. The solutions they found at the beach, they could apply to their painting development in general. 3-Days can do a lot of good.

It's also possible you'll find out Plein-air painting is not for you. Because not all will continue on this road, and that's of course very OK too. 


Continue Reading Below, Find Dates & Info↓

About Your Stay

B&B or Hotel

You can Stay in a B&B or Hotel near the Boulevard. We'll be Painting at the Beach of Katwijk aan Zee - The Netherlands. Artists living here often drive back and forth. Both are fine options. But to have that Holiday feeling + more easy living you can sleep and eat very well in Katwijk aan Zee, it has many Restaurants & B&Bs.

Car, Plane or Boat

The British often take their own car, taking the boat to the Netherlands. Flying here is best to Schiphol Airport. Amsterdam is about 40 minutes away from Katwijk aan Zee.

Art Museums

Katwijk has a great Art Museum, Amsterdam has many, The Van Gogh Museum and Rijksmuseum for example.


During the MasterClass I teach in English & Dutch. In the past Katwijk has accommodated Artists from 9 different countries so far!


You can join when you have Experience in Painting, it's ok if you have never painted outdoors before. This Class is not for Total Beginners. For example: you'll need to know the basics of Color Mixing. The More Experience you have the More you'll Benefit from this MasterClass. 

The Start Guide

The Start Guide is about All Gear, Color List, Smart Tricks and is Fear Fighter. (Only for Participants.)


This last year I've put a lot of focus & effort in making sure your preparation is 100%. This way you'll benefit most and can skip the 'gear struggles' putting your energy where it counts: Happy Painting!




When You Join a MasterClass you immediately get access to the prep. & teaching videos and the Start Guide. It helps you to get the most out of this painting training and experience.You can plan your trip: View 'Katwijk aan Zee - Boulevard 132' in Google Maps to find many available B&Bs, rooms/houses and hotels at walking distance from the beach.


Join below

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Info is here


Join here


3-Days Seascaping

APRIL 16 17 18 - 2025

AUG 13 14 15 - 2025 (SUMMER CLASS)

• Time 9.45 AM - 1.45 PM

• Location: Beach Katwijk

• 12 Hours of Training

• 6 Participants Max.

• Start guide Magazine

• Access to Training Videos

• 3x Live Demonstrations

• Personal Report

PRICE 595.-

€ 495.-

Early bird discount applied
Entry closes when spots are filled

JOIN THE APRIL 16+17+18 -2025 CLASS
JOIN THE AUG 13+14+15 -2025 CLASS

MasterClass 3-Days Seascaping

Seascaping - The Netherlands - TEACHING PLEINAIR PAINTING
by Roos Schuring

This course is excellent for the professional wanting to gain more fearlessness, or directness, painting the "4 seasons in 1 day" experience you can have in Holland in Spring or Autumn and for the people who need that SPARK again. Beginners are welcome too: BUT I expect you to bring good gear: no tables, no chairs, just bring a good outdoor easel: recommended is the Mabef #23 'picolo' easel or choose your own.
My video & guide preparation material will have ALL the information so you can have THE BEST time painting.

But... Don't join 'for the fun of it'!!

Join when you are SERIOUS about wanting to learn from me and NOT when you 'Just want to have fun'. This is NOT 'a business outing' / 'pleasure trip', this is ONLY for DEDICATED beginner or advanced painters.
I am a serious painter myself and I have a lot to give to those who WANT to receive. 

Some have 'too much cash' and they do not prepare. They don't know or respect my work. These painters were not seriously dedicated to learn from me and these went home disappointed, of course.
BUT If you are willing and wanting to to learn (new) things, becoming a faster (and maybe better) painter and you want to prepare, you will have a good time and you are welcome to join!

In the recent years of teaching by the ocean, I found these to be the most important topics which we'll discuss, experiment with, and which I'll also show you in the daily 20 min. demonstrations:

This Class Teaches
• How to Paint Water, Waves and Movement
• How to Capture Light, Get Light Effects in
• Learn to Speed up Processes: Improve Capturing the Moment
• How to Paint Reflections, Puddles, Sand
• How to Unify Sky and Land
• How to Paint Clouds
• How to Paint Atmosphere and Depth
• How to Paint Figures, Birds, Horses, People 
• How to Get Overall Harmony
• Details, Strokes, Thick Paint Usage
How to Paint Bigger Sizes and More

Terms & Conditions MasterClass

Included in this price: 12 Hours of Guided Painting Practice. 3x Live Demonstrations. Start Guide Magazine, Online Preparation Videos & Emails and Personal Report. Not included in this price: Materials, easel, food, travel, B&B, personal expenditures or other costs. Roos Schuring cannot be held accountable for any expected or unexpected costs, accidents or injuries of any kind, to you or to any third parties. You'll arrange your travels, housing, food and equipment. The Start Guide and videos will advise you on equipment and methods. Refund Policy: Might there be a reason for you to not be able to join after all, you'll be given the option to join the next beach or cows class. Maybe you are traveling and due to a lockdown or anything else this is not for you: then you'll receive a coupon that you can use for online course products, video demos and other painting products that I offer. Due to the past lockdowns I decided to no longer offer monetary (cash) refunds in these cases, as we cannot rely on future currencies or future travel and country restrictions, to be on the safe side, this is my way forward in this.

See You At The Beach!

SEPT 11 12 13  2024
APRIL 16 17 18  2025

Join us in AUGUST '24
for 'Sunsets at the Beach'
info is here

"How do I express what this workshop has meant to me - it is very emotional ! You are a very special and powerful woman and I have great admiration for your strength of character and following your own intuition. The first time I saw one of your paintings and zoomed in on the brush strokes - it took my breath away!
After this week with you, I have learnt to see with new eyes - to recognize the fear in me and push it aside. THANK YOU and again- thank you.  I will be back to study with you again - I can hardly wait.”


“Ik wilde je nog even bedanken voor je enthousiasme, inspiratie en goede adviezen tijdens de workshop. Het waren 3 fantastische dagen.”


“Juste un petit mot pour vous dire combien j'ai apprécié cette belle rencontre avec vous.
Cette immersion m'a redonné goût et inspiration pour la peinture de plein air. Je fais pour le moment des choses assez insipides sur place que je déstructure et re-barbouille au gré de mes envies de couleur à la maison, pour arriver à un tableau. En attendant de pouvoir le faire in situ, mais je crois que j'avance! J'apprivoise le côté "fearless" de la peinture. C'est super!”


“I hope I can come to another workshop next spring. I feel I really learnt a lot and made progress with my painting. As well as now finding there is absolutely no excuse not to go out in any weather!”


“Nogmaals heel erg bedankt voor je inspirerende cursus, Roos. Daar was ik aan toe, want ik wist het even niet meer zo goed met dat "schilderen" van mij. Niet alleen heb jij mij een aantal heel belangrijke zaken verteld (die ik zeer goed zal onthouden), maar nog veel meer heb je mij weten te inspireren en begeesteren voor het plain air schilderen en het schilderen in het algemeen, en daar ben ik je heel dankbaar voor.”


“Want to thank you again for your great workshop. Sold the three monday paintings with fishermen!”


“Thank you so much for your comments , you are inspirational and generous with your advice and experience, I believe this has given me the confidence to make progress in my painting and projects in my life. We had such a great week working with you, so thank you once again.”




When You Join this Master Class you immediately get access to the Preparation video material, the Start guide, Meeting place routes, and you can plan your Trip.